An employment ministry designed to support, encourage, and equip those who are on a journey to new or better employment.

Some of what's offered at no charge to you:
- Career support and crisis counseling
- Tips to identify your talents, skills and strengths
- Best practices for building résumés, cover letters, network systems, interview techniques, etc.
- Group coaching and one-on-one assistance
- Financial management assistance
- Special speakers, as well as representatives from employment agencies and recruiting firms
Weekly Meetings
Mondays | 7–9 PM
All are invited! You will hear from guest speakers, receive invaluable resources for your job search, and be able to network and connect with people on the same journey as you.
Attend in person at Church at the Crossing (enter Door 4) or on Zoom.
- Guest Speakers: We rotate through a series of key disciplines, best practices and other relevant topics around career search, from local professionals and P2E staff.
- Discussion/Q&A/Workshop/Networking: Includes topics and exercises related to the evening's focus and attendees' needs. If you have a device, bring it with you for the workshop sessions.
*There will be no meeting on the following Monday holidays - Memorial Day & Labor Day.
Accountability Groups
Wednesdays & Thursdays
Accountability Groups provide an opportunity for small groups of people to meet and get practical in applying techniques, keeping momentum, and helping each other along in the journey to re-employment. Experience shows that those who regularly attend an Accountability Group find jobs more quickly than those who don't.
A portion of the Thursday Accountability Group meeting includes a LinkedIn Workshop, providing hands-on learning about LinkedIn and how it can be a valuable tool in your job search.
Try out a group! These help put "hands and feet" to the disciplines and techniques that P2E teaches and encourages. You'll also find the Personal Accountability Checklist available on this page!
Passport to Employment Resources
Job Search Resources
Networking: Networking, making connections with people, is probably the most important thing you can do to achieve professional success. Your network includes business acquaintances, personal connections, and community contacts.
You should always be networking, no matter what your current job status is, because you never know when you will need to call on your contacts or when they may have a lead on an exciting new opportunity.
A list of networking opportunities in Indianapolis and surrounding areas is included below.
Hiring Events & Job Board: Upcoming hiring events and job postings in Indianapolis and surrounding areas are highlighted in the document below. Also included is a list of Job Search Engine Websites that might be helpful to you.
P2E Guidebook
Your companion for the journey to employment.
Discover all the resources provided through P2E in one easy place! The Guidebook compiles an extensive library of tips, references, examples, and other information used in the P2E program. Through one seamless document, walk through the job search process stage-by-stage with helpful resources at your fingertips. Begin your journey by downloading the Guidebook below!
P2E Staff Directory
Searching for a new career is more effective when we have others along the journey with us. The P2E staff have a wide range of depth and experience and are available to speak or meet with you 1:1 to provide coaching, perspective, and be a sounding board. Each staff member has different areas of focus which are documented in the Staff Directory. You're encouraged to connect and engage with them on LinkedIn!
Additional Resources
Learning Resources
Whether you're looking for a new career path, want to develop some new skills, or are looking for advice from professionals sharing 'how to' tips, there are a wide range of resources available to help you!
Resources for Daily Life
Everybody needs a little help now and then, whether it's in finding affordable health and dental care, legal assistance, food, clothing, rental assistance, or some other daily life need.
Below we have compiled a list of organizations that may be able to help.